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CRM Solution for Microsoft Office Users


For Microsoft Office Users "CRM Solution"
dovnload.co.uk Editor: DidIT! Microsoft Office add-on integrated with the Office of Customer Relations Manager e-mail, scheduling, and individual contacts and mass mailings to e-mail, document handling tasks, fax, and / or letters.

DidIT! common daily tasks & automate many partners who work want to facilitate the process, is ideal for users of Microsoft Office. With DidIT!, Other users from using Outlook Public Contacts folder in Outlook users can share contact information. Ideal for administrative assistants, office managers, receptionists, sales and marketing for professionals.

DidIT! messaging and integration with Microsoft Office for preparing documents, templates and mail merges using Microsoft Word. DidIT with, and then you can easily find a contact record! To send an e-mail, a task or an appointment by using the Microsoft Outlook toolbar and create a program that links and contact details for all automatically puts your items. <30 br> www.DidItBetter.com-day free trial visit or call today DidItBetter Software Consultant for more information. DidIT can download free 800-837-8636! 7.2 now.

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